Magic in the Valley: The Story of Moira Green, Witch
When Moira Green leaves home to become an apprentice witch, her expectations are high. Her mother was a housekeeper for a glamorous witch in town, so Moira grew up with visions of expensive spells and potions in exotic bottles. However, her new mentor, Granny Smoot, is the exact opposite of what Moira expects. The elderly witch is old fashioned, making simple remedies one at a time out of her tiny home in the woods and rejecting Moira’s attempts to modernize the apothecary. Convinced that there’s a better way to be a witch and gain the villagers’ respect, Moira wants to strike out on her own. She yearns to use spells and dazzle customers, but when a life-or-death situation is at her doorstep, Moira will discover the type of magic that truly helps others.
Paperback - 130 full-color pages
ISBN 978-1-5136-9019-3